2015,Group Exhibition / Installation
Sai×Ogawa.Y -素と密- / Impact Hub Kyoto / Kyoto
( 一 夜 限りの本 展 は 、照 明デザイナー 小 川 ユウキ、美 術 家 斉 が 一 つの 空 間 作 品を共 同 制 作したものです。)
作家: 小川ユウキ S a i
企画、展示設計、監修: S a i
照明: 小川ユウキ
撮影: 近藤 泰岳
2015,Group Exhibition / Installation
Sai×Ogawa.Y -Principle and Density- / Impact Hub Kyoto / Kyoto
(This one night exhibition was a collabortion with light designer Yuki Ogawa and artist SAI)
Principle and Density 素と密
“True darkness cannot be seen with the naked eye”
were the words by Yuki Ogawa that began our work process.
Even if one is standing in pure darkness with eyes wide open, a person would create a white mist which prevents one from staring at the darkness.
If we cannot see it, maybe we can feel it?
When would be the most suitable moment to feel that beautiful darkness?
We concluded that it would be during a brief moment after sunset, a time which is neither day nor night, thus we decided to express the world of the pure blue moment.
As work progressed, we found an interesting matter about Light and Darkness.
Ogawa perceived Darkness as coarse and Light as dense, whereas SAI understood it the opposite way.
As we examined the relationship of Light and Darkness, coarse and dense, the word ‘principle” lingered in my mind.
Could the principle of Light and Darkness be the same? Can that be said for all opposite matters?
With a change in the point of perspective the opposites can be seen as the same, so we stopped to view Light and Darkness separately.
That directed us to express a single space that is dark as is light.
Even if we cannot see Light and Darkness, we can stare at its ‘principle’.
Artist: Yuki Ogawa, Sai
Exhibition planning, design, supervision: Sai
Lighting: Yuki Ogawa
Photo: Yasutaka Kondo