shuhari (守破離) : paper, gold leaf, emboss 570 × 1800 (mm)
shuhari (守破離) : detail
2015, Group Exhibition / Installation
Artisan Reflections Beyond Craft Technique / Sannga / New York
工芸とデザイン─伝統の再解釈、手仕事の現在地─ / 京都精華大学ギャラリーフロール / Kyoto
コーディネート、監修:山崎 伸吾
2015, Group Exhibition / Installation
Artisan Reflections Beyond Craft Technique / Sannga / New York
Craft and Design ─ Reinterpretation of Tradition, Current Location of Handcraft ─ / Kyoto Seika University Gallery Fleur / Kyoto
(This exhibition was hosted in New York City and Kyoto)
shuhari 守破離
This work expresses the Japanese Tea Ceremony by using the same plate engraving for KYOTOGRAPHIE fervere.
The beauty of traditional Japanese architecture is expressed in the space between the grid, and the emotions felt by participants in a tearoom are expressed by the bubbles.
Like the simmering bubbles of boiling water, extraordinary emotions arise triggered by mistakes, joy, and happenings that occur during the Tea Ceremony in the Sukiya architecture.
When we sit in such a highly formalized space, is it only me who feels a burst of laughter when I come across simple mishappenings?
When I watch the beautiful steam rise as the hot water is poured, why do I feel like tears will fall?
Nevertheless the Tea Ceremony is silently conducted without a show of such emotions.
The gold leaf expresses the emotions among the guests and host while the white expresses the underlying emotions.
The grid symbolizes the strict rules seen in the architectural style of Katsura Villa which are composed of rectangles, straight lines, fractions, ratios.
From ritualized movements to the architecture, strict rules shape the Tea Ceremony.
But as the rules tighten the emotions seem to simmer even more.
Formality exists in many Japanese traditional Arts such as calligraphy, flower arrangement, Noh theater, Judo, Rakugo, and so it can be called the Art of Formality. Each of the traditional Arts have a complex script or code structured to erase the ego of the practitioner. The ego does not completely disappear by the form, but will mature over time within the form.
Formality is at the foundation of the Japanese Arts. The individual can decipher the code encrypted in the form inherited from the predecessors which is then to be protected, deconstructed, and reconstructed. Thus ‘Shuhari’ is a timeless dialogue.
Artist: Sai
Coordinate, Supervision: Shingo Yamazaki