2019,Project / Installation
“REM sleep garden of Mr. X” / Permanent Exhibition,BnA Alter Museum / Kyoto
(本プロジェクトは、BnA Alter Museum Hotelの客室を二部屋インスタレーション作品として制作したものです。)
誰でもない私たちは今この時 交差(X)する
Mr.Xは誰もその姿を見たことがない その声すら聞いたこともない
彼は56億7千万年に一度眠りにつく その際現れるのが「現な庭」である
今 うつつの中あなたが眺めているその庭は
Mr.Xは決して 誰とも会うことが出来ない だからこそ誰よりもその庭を見つめるのです
“ I’m X ”
“ I’m no one ”
作家: Sai
企画: BnA
2019,Project / Installation
“REM sleep garden of Mr. X” / Permanent Exhibition,BnA Alter Museum / Kyoto
(This exhibition is an installation work set in two of the hotel rooms)
REM sleep garden of Mr. X X氏の現な庭
We who are no one cross ( X ) at this moment
The man Mr. X who knows this cross ( X ) continues to pull us together
Nobody has seen Mr. X or heard of his voice
Left behind in this room are his traces which are like a lingering echo that contain us
The ‘Rem Garden’ appears when he falls asleep once in every fifty six billion seventy million years
Likewise this garden periodically appears during our REM sleep
Although we cannot meet Mr. X, we are able to share the same garden
The garden you are gazing now as you are half asleep
is the same garden that he is gazing after fifty six billion seventy million years
Mr. X can never meet anyone, therefore he continues to gaze at that garden
“ I’m X ”
“ I’m no one ”
Artist: Sai
Supervision: Gaku Ogaki (Ashitanoshikaku Ltd.), Sai
Planning: BnA